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World Class Championship Wrestling - December 1, 1984
by Erick Von Erich
As this episode cues up on Peacock, it includes a warning that this is strictly rated "TV-MA". Whoa. I don't think I've seen that disclaimer on any World Class shows, before. We'll see what it covers and/or if it's necessary. As we jump back to 1984 for the actual episode, it's World Class Holiday Star Wars time, as we're at Reunion Arena for what Marc Lowrance calls "the annual Turkey Day Thanksgiving Spectacular". But with so much going on in World Class Championship Wrestling, let's get down to ringide for...
Buck "Rock and Roll" Zumhofe vs. The Missing Link (w/General Skandor Akbar)
Ah...Buck Zumhofe. If we're being techincal,
he could be a cause for the TV-MA rating. Link attacks before Zumhofe can disrobe, but the "Original Rock and Roller" turns it around with a whip and a dropkick. ZUmhofe tries a backdrop, which is a huge mistake, as it allows Link to land a headbutt and take over, again. Headbutt to the tummy, and another from the second turnbuckle.. Link tries to bring a chair into the fracas, but referee Mark Hazzard prevents it. Zumhofe uses the unexpected distraction to come back with forearms, a dropkick, and a charging shoulderblock. Zumhofe charges again, but right into another headbutt, which allows Link to cover for the 3 count at 1:37. This match served its purpose and didn't need a second less, nor a second more.
Texas Death Match: Terry Gordy vs. Killer Khan (w/General Skandor Akbar)
To refresh: this was set up when Terry Gordy went to Japan, about a year or two ago. Khan befriended him and took him to a remote mountain, where he learned the Oriental Spike from a mysterious master. Gordy then brought Khan into World Class, back in May 1984. Khan was an occassional ally of the Freebirds, but then jumped ship to Akbar's Devastation, Inc. stable, leaving Gordy and the Freebirds high and dry in August. However, Gordy and the 'Birds left World Class around that time (for their quick WWF stint), so Khan bragged that he had run Gordy out of Texas. A vengeful Gordy returned,
two weeks ago, and the rivalry was rekindled!
Kerry Von Erich is the special guest referee in this "anything goes" match, even briefly sporting a HALF-SHIRT for the special occassion. "Badstreet" plays Gordy to the ring and the brawl is immediately ON. Khan bites Gordy and spikes him with his thumb. CHoppy/kicky and Khan chokes Gordy on the ropes, but Kerry Von Erich calls for the break. Khan then tosses Gordy, through the ropes, to the floor and have a face-off with Kerry. During this planned break, Mercer plugs two new arrivals to World Class: the Midnight Express (with Jim Cornette) and "Billy JacK from the Northwest". He also mentions that Kevin Von Erich is the new American champion, having defeated Gino Hernandez. Meanwhile, Gordy rolls under the ring apron so he can BLADE.
Back in, Khan continues biting Gordy and working on the head. Khan with a side slam, then a flying knee off the second rope to get a 3 count. Per Texas Death rules, Gordy has a 30 second break, then has to answer a 10 count. He's up at 3 and bleeding profusely...so
there's our TV-MA. Gordy is fightin' mad and they fight on the apron. Khan kisses the ring post and he blades, as well. Khan stumbles into the ring and recevies a nice clothesline and a piledriver from Gordy for a 3 count! Big pop for Gordy, no less. Khan gets 30 seconds, then only gets up at the 9 count. Gordy then goes after Khan's head, slams him then comes off the second rope with an elbowdrop for a 2 count. Khan gets a low blow (thankfully, no blood down there) and a legdrop for 2. Khan goes for a suplex, but Gordy overpowers and reverses for his own 2. Khan misses a knee drop from the second rope, but Gordy is quick to pounc eon him and apply the Oriental Spike! For a good two minutes. Khan can't get out of it and eventually succumbs to a 3 count. Yet Gordy won't let up and keeps grinding away. Kerry finally has no choice but to pull Gordy off.
As Khan lays on the mat, Kerry starts another 10 count.... and gets to 7, when General Skandar Akbar hops up into the ring to stp the count. Suddeny, the Missing Link runs in as Devastation, Inc. tries a beatdown. Kerry and Gordy clear the ring. Kerry grabs the house mic and says: "Akbar. You came in at 7. In my opinion, he woulda' been done the full 10, so Terry Gordy is the winner". Technically, winner by referee's decisions, I suppose. Kerry then offers a handshake to Gordy...but Gordy declines and walks off. Kerry then starts heading back to the locker, until Gordy runs in and grabs the hosue mic. "Von Erich! If you've got any guts, youll get back in this ring". Kerry cautiously walks in, while everybody in the building (and Bill Mercer) thinks that the Von Erich-Freebird War will be re-igniting. But Gordy extends his hand... and they shake! To a big pop! Definitely a top 10 moment in World Class history. Both guys have a strong respect for each other, "forged in battle", and don't look any weaker for kissing and making up.
Gonna' be tough to follow that, but here we go with...
A Very Special Interview with Sunshine
Yeah, I still maintain that, in terms of being over, Sunshine was only second to the Von Erichs during this period. Pre-recorded interview, as Bill Mercer chats with her at ringside, before the event. They talk about how Sunshine's aunt, Stella Mae, recently had her hair cut (I'm assuming by Andrea the Lady Giant and Gino Hernandez at a recent Fort Worth TV taping). Sunshine mentions that while she's here to be in her aunt's corner, she also has a surprise coming up and is back to stay.
Mike Von Erich vs. Gino Hernandez (w/Andrea the Lady Giant)
Gino is still the Texas Heavyweight Champion, but this is a non-title "Special Challenge Match". These two had a mini-program when Mike upset Gino for the American Heavyweight Championship, back in August. Gino attacks before the bell with a series of elbows, tosses Mike to the corner, but misses a charge. Mike goes all punchy/kicky and delivers a backdrop, so Gino takes a ringside breather. Back in for lock-up and Mike works an arm-wringer. They go back and forth with more elbows, knees, punches and thumpin'. Vertical suplex from Gino, but he misses his blind back-elbowdrop from the top rope. Mike takes him on a Tour de Ringposts, but Gino slaps on a side headlock and tosses Mike into Bronko LLubich for the ref bump. With Bronko out, Mike hooks a sleeper, but it's broken up by Andrea. Andrea holds Mike on the ropes while Gino charges...and you KNOW what's gonna' happen: Gino "accidentally" knees Andrea. Mike hits a series of shoulderblocks, but Andrea reaches in and trips him. Gino lands an elbowdrop, and gets a 3 count; assisted again by Andrea, who knocked Mike's leg off the bottom rope at 2. But wait... referee David Manning was watching on closed circuit TV in the back. Manning and Lubich confer and Mike is now the winner (presumably by disqualification at around 5 minutes). To celebrate, he clears Gino from the ring with a drop-kick.
Kerry Von Erich & "Iceman" King Parsons vs. "Jake "the Snake" Roberts & Kelly Kiniski
Mild backstory to this, as Jake has begun tutoring Kiniski and they had a
match against Iceman, last week. Kerry and Jake lock-up, then they fight over a standing side headlock. Kiniski comes in and tries to do a leg takedown, but Kerry does a little dance to mock him. Iceman comes in to an arm-wringer, but he bogoies, drops down and kicks Kiniski away. They fight over a wristlock, but Jake comes in and gets a few chops in. Kiniski with a backbreaker as Iceman plays face-in-peril and gets worked over for a few minutes. Headlock resthold from Jake takes things to the mat. Iceman tries coming back with a shoulderblock, but Jake hits him with a kneelift. Kiniski with a charging clothesline, swinging neckbreaker and a kneedrop, but only a 1 count. All four guys come in and Iceman is dumped over the top rope. Kerry fights off both guys, until Iceman suddenly flies in from the outside with a sunset flip for the 3 count at 6:10. Both teams go to their corner and apparently want a re-start, but COMMERCIALS are here! Maybe this was a 2/3 falls match, yet only one fall aired?
Why'd You Watch This?
Despite its placement, the Gordy-Khan match is the main event on this show and (yet another) essential viewing for any World Class retrospective. You really got the sense that they both guys were angling for the DEATH part of "Texas Death Match".
Gino has a lot of energy in his match, but it makes you wonder WHY this particular match has the ref reversal trope. Heel Shenanigans and outside trips happen in a good majority of heel wins-- sometimes on a weekly basis-- so whay did this merit a ref reversal? I know, I know: "Mike Von Erich". Criminy. Beyond that, the other matches are just there. The Kiniski/Jake partnership seems very random and just something to try and spice up Kiniski. Honestly, Kiniski as Jake's protege is better than a guy with a Canada jacket who brags about his neck. I'm suspect that next week witll have more of this Turkey Day Spectacular, with more highlights and angles. Looking forward to it.
Boom-da-da-da-boom, da-da-da-boom, da-da-da-boom
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