Proof that you can't kill a good idea, but it can be ignored: DWS Halloween HavoK is back for the 14th year!
I've always stated that when western civilization is destroyed, MTV's one shining contribution to our society would be Beavis and Butt-Head. Say what you want about the two goofs (and Mike Judge for that matter), but they definitely struck a chord with people in the 90's. For years, MTV had been pumping up whatever content they shat out as quality entertainment, but suddenly two poorly drawn cartoon characters were there to finally tell everyone "uhhh. This sucks". Beavis and Butt-Head were the Voice of a Generation. Or at least a small portion of people. Or maybe a slight murmur.
The first season of B&B had a more "adult" spin to it. Aside from the well-known/well-publicized incident of the duo sniffing paint thinner and Beavis's obsession with FIRE, they also had more R-rated antics. Like visiting a geriatric dominatrix or smuggling drugs from Mexico. Then mix in some topical music-related jokes, such as Chris Cornell looking like Jesus and the recurring jokes about playing some Skynrd, and it definitely had appeal. In between the cartoon segments, their video voiceovers were a riot. Not only did they ruin the careers of Warrant and Winger ("uhh. THis is wuss music"), but they built-up the careers of White Zombie and others just by saying "yes! This is cool". We would have no idea who Rob Zombie is/was without Beavis & Butt-Head. In fact, White Zombie's "La Sexorcista: Devil Music Volume One" had stagnated on shelves for TWO YEARS until Beavis & Butt-Head watched the video for "Thunderkiss '65" in the Spring of 1993 and told everyone it was "cool". It was so crazy, that even bands like 24-7 Spyz received a boost in the fall of 1993 when they got the B&B "cool" treatment for their video "Stuntman". In the Summer of 1993, "Beavis & Butt-Head" was often shown before or after "Headbanger's Ball", as it sorta' became the Metalhead's Cartoon (as an aside, nowadays I like to think that "Beavis & Butt-Head" exists in the same universe as "Metalocalypse" and Dethklok).
Anyways, when Beavis & Butt-Head became a certified hit and cultural phenom, naturally more episodes were produced. Beginning in the Fall of 1993, the boys lost some of their "adult" edge and were kinda' downgraded to being the Two Stooges. Instead of tossing a dog into a dryer, they'd drop a bowling ball from a roof to see if it would crack. The music portions of their shows were toned down (or repeated), and the cartoons became more of the emphasis. Which was fine. There was plenty of humor and hilarious antics still left. Only now, the jokes and gags were not at the expense of a musical act (well...usually). In any form, the boys still had their trademark laughs. "huh huh.. you said wood". "Heh-heh. Yeah. Then you said log. Heh-heh. That was cool!" If you're under the age of 45, this may sound incredibly lame to you, but you can make a case "huh huh. You said ___" morphed into "That's what she said!"
Yeah, so what in the flaming bowels of Hades does this have to with Halloween HavoK?! Glad you asked/read. In the Fall of 1995, "Beavis & Butt-Head" were still rolling along, although not as "edgy" as they were, two years prior. Surprisingly, MTV actually had a pretty cool lineup for the week of Halloween in 1995. I can't remember everything they promoted, but I do recall that on Halloween Night in 1995, they aired "KISS: Unplugged" and then this particular special. I was ecstatic beause not only did Ace Frehley and Peter Criss reunite with KISS, but I got a NEW 30 minute episode of "Beavis & Butt-Head"! If only I could've scored that night, it would've been the Greatest Day in my Personal History.
Like 99% of their stories, this episode open with Beavis & Butt-Head on the couch. The doorbell keeps ringing from Trick-or-Treaters, and they can't understand why it's happening. They surmise that it's "some dude giving out free samples", so they take the candy bags from the kids. The kids' dad then shows up, furious that someone stole their candy, and kicks the collective tushies of Beavis & Butt-Head and says: "You take my kids' candy, I kick your a**. Happy Halloween!". A groggy Butt-Head, lying on the floor, simply says: "huh huh... WEEN... huh huh".
The boys eventually remember that Halloween is the night you can get free candy and venture out. It takes them a few doors to realize they each need a costume. They try putting on sheets to be ghosts, but the sheets smell funny, since they're Butt-Head's "special monkey sheets". Eventually, Beavis puts underwear on his head and says: "check it out. I'm a nad!" Butt-Head dumps melted cheese over his head, and goes as "Nachos".
They try the door-to-door gig, but it only nets them religious pamphlets and lame bumper stickers, courtesy of characters like Clark Cobb and Mr. Van Driessen. Then there's good ol' Tom Anderson. Per tradition, they get the best of Anderson, this time when Beavis steals and eats his entire candy bowl! Now fully buzzed on sugar, it's Cornholio time for Beavis. "Twick or tweat, you sonuvabeech!"
The boys then get separated as Butt-Head runs into Todd, his eternal crush, who tosses Butt-Head in his trunk to "take him out in the country and kick his a**". However, Todd and his buddies apparently lose interest and just drop off Butt-Head in the middle of nowhere. Butt-Head is then approached by a shadowy figure and simply says "uhh....uh-oh". This might suck.
Beavis wanders around as Cornholio, searching for more "Rrrrolios", and freaking people out. He eventually wanders out to a desolate farm and meets a creepy farmer who's apparently digging...a grave?
The farmer knocks out Beavis, takes him into his barn and hangs him on a meathook. Beavis wakes up, sees the farmer and a pasty/zombified Butt-Head. They both fire up chainsaws and approach Beavis who screams his pants (and nads) off.
Video 1: Alice Cooper- "Teenage Frankenstein""
The former corner man for Jake "The Snake" Roberts makes one of his rare appearances on the show. It's footage of Cooper's "Constrictor" era tour, including a dominatrix dancing on stage (Beavis: says: "OOO! A BUTT!"). Which leads into a story about Beavis losing his pants in Sears. The actual video includes Kane Roberts, Cooper's bodybuilding lead guitarist of the time, who had a "gun guitar". If you've never seen this dude, just visualize Ultimate Warrior in an 80's metal band.
Video 2: Paul Broucek - "Hollywood Halloween""
Who? Apparently he was a music producer at Warner Bros. in the 80's. Random footage of costumed people in Hollywood and the music is kinda' like a deep cut from early 80's alt-rock. Was it, in fact, Halloween or just a random night? Highlight of the commentary is when Butt-Head chides Beavis about when they were at a Halloween party, and walked in on Beavis's mom with "some dude dressed up like with Colonel Sanders...with his pants off". "Shut up, Butt-Head!"
Video 3: King Diamond - "The Family Ghost""
The boys don't waste any time, as Butt-Head instantly mutters say: "uh...uh-oh. This is horrible." and "this might be the worst crap I've ever seen in my life." Yes, despite being "underground metal", King Diamond is not something every metalhead is into. I always feel like he's Bruce Dickinson or Rob Halford, done to the extreme. Like Slayer or the Misfits, you can pick any of his songs, at random, and call it "Halloween".
Why'd You Watch This?
By no means is this an all-time Halloween Classic. If you haven't watched "Beavis & Butt-Head" in awhile, Halloween HavoK season is a good excuse to look this one up. If you have been watching "Beavis & Butt-Head" regularly, uhh...we should hang out... but this episode doesn't contain any truly outrageous skits. I think this was the first time I've seen this episode since it first aired, and I'm probably good for a few more years. Still.. it's Halloween HavoK!
Huh huh... ween.
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